World’s Oldest Woman Claims Staying Single Is the Secret to Long Life

Emma Morano lives in Verbania, Italy. She is currently the oldest person alive, at 116 years of age. She is thought to be the last person alive who was born in the 1800s.

Morano is rather happy with her new title, according to caregivers. She was told this morning and said “My word, I’m as old as the hills.” She was able to gain the title after the former titleholder, who was also 116 years of age, died in New York City.


Although the news was exciting, the day was no different than any other. This super Centurion had her breakfast, consisting of milk with biscuits and a lunch of semolina with boiled eggs.

When asked about her secret of longevity, she had some wisdom to impart. For decades, she has been eating too raw eggs per day after it was suggested by a physician to fight anemia. There is also something else that she has to pass along, but it was not a prescription from the doctor.

She told the New York Times last year that she credits her longevity to being single after ending an unhappy marriage at age 38. As she said, “I didn’t want to be dominated by anyone.”

If you feel that advice is a bit off-the-wall, there have been suggestions from other centurions that were rather surprising as well. For example, Mushatt-Jones, the previous titleholder, ate fried bacon every day. A California man who lived to 100 said that he had a doughnut every day for the last 30 years.

I guess if it’s not broke, don’t fix it!

Via: Huffington Post

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