QUIZ: Can You Find the Cat Hiding in This Woodpile?

The human brain is truly an amazing thing, and many scientists would agree that it does not have an equal anywhere in the known universe. When you consider how the brain works together with the eyes, ears and other parts of the body to lead us through life, it really makes us wonder what it is truly capable of doing. At times, however, the brain competes with other things in nature and it can be quite tricky to come out on top.

An example is camouflage, which is something that is built into many different types of animals. When they are camouflaged properly, it is almost impossible to see them unless somebody stands there and points them out to you. Even then, they still are able to blend into the background successfully.

That is what you are seeing in this picture. Your eyes are picking up many different colors and shapes in the woodpile, but there is a cat hiding in it in plain sight. The funny thing is, almost nobody is able to see the cat but once we point her out to you, you are going to be amazed that it should have been so easy to find.

The solution is on the next page, just in case you can’t find the cat.


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