QUIZ: Only People Who Have Special Talents Can Read This – Here’s Why

Although the human body is amazing in its entirety, perhaps the most amazing parts of it include our eyes and our brain. Many scientists will readily agree that the brain is unmatched in the known universe but when you combine it with the ability of our eyes to see and transmit information, it is unbelievably amazing. That will become obvious when you see this quiz, and it is stumping many people online.

Some people will look at this image and will read it without even giving it a second thought. Other people will be absolutely unable to read it until they see it properly. The reason why, is because the image actually needs to be flipped in order to be seen properly. Not only is it upside down, it is backwards so it is exactly the opposite of what you are accustomed to seeing.


Did you realise that our eyes actually see everything upside down? The light from the external source goes through the cornea and is refracted by the lens to form an image on the retina. That image is upside down. When people wear glasses that make everything appear to be upside down, the eyes will eventually adjust so that you are seeing things right side up. It just goes to show that it is possible to read this, provided your eyes will work with your brain to allow it to happen.