QUIZ: There Are 4 Basic Personality Types – Which One Are You?

There are many things that may make us who we are as an individual. For some of us, it is the experiences that we had in the past and they are what truly what make us unique. For others, it may be personal likes and dislikes or perhaps a pursuit, such as a hobby. Regardless of how you look at it, these characteristics come into play at some point in our lives, and it is something that is plain to see.

It is the combination of qualities and/or characteristics that really help to define our character. This is sometimes referred to as our personality, and it seems as if everybody has one and no two are exactly alike. In fact, you can likely look at any of your friends or family members and say something about them because of their personality.

At least one psychologist has theorized that personalities can be classified into 4 separate groups. Those groups can also be identified by specific colours. By taking this test, you will be able to determine your personality colour. You will be amazed with how closely it fits in with you as an individual and for those of your friends who take it as well.