QUIZ: There Is A Squirrel Hiding In This Picture Of A Lion. How Fast Can You Find It?

When you first look at the picture of this lion, you may not recognise anything overly incredible about it. Of course, lions are majestic creatures and many of us would be thrilled to see one in the wild but this picture just looks like a normal, every day picture of a lion. That is, of course, until you learn that there is a secret hiding in the image.

This is not a photograph but rather, it is a picture that was created by artist RenĂ© Melot. It is a piece of digital artwork that is entitled “Lion Mouse,” and for good reason. When you look beyond what you first see in the image, you will be able to find something that is quite unexpected. Within this picture of a lion there is a mouse hiding, and it is quite difficult to see!

Not everything is as it seems, and the hidden mouse in this picture may be more elusive than what you first think it to be. In fact, many people consider it to look more like a squirrel but in either case, you need to think outside of the box to see it.