QUIZ: What Colour Is Your True Personality According To This Colour Test?

The world is absolutely a beautiful place and the more we look around, the more beauty we are able to see. Part of the reason why we can see beauty is because we are able to see in colour. With the exception of those who may be colourblind, our eyes pick up the colour and transmit it to our brain and it really affects us on a very deep level. That is what this quiz is designed to assist you with doing.

One interesting concept is that our personality is closely tied with colour. This has been studied by behavioral psychologists and it is amazing how closely colour can demonstrate your overall personality. As a matter of fact, you may even find that there is a surprise or two when you take this little quiz, and that is always something welcome.

There are 4 colours that represent 4 different types of personalities. Those colours are red, orange, yellow and green. Depending upon the colours that you see and choose, your personality may be different. Go ahead and give it a try, and then share the results. I’m sure that your friends will chime in as well.