QUIZ: What Word Did You Notice First? It Will Reveal Your Mental Age

Perhaps you have heard the expression that “age is only a number” but have you ever experienced the truthfulness of that statement? Many people begin to experience it when they are older, either because they act their age or because they act a lot younger than their age. Some people may even feel it when they are youngsters, and they may be called an “old soul” by their friends and family members.

Of course, there are many things that help to determine the age of an individual, and it expands far beyond the number of years that they have been alive. You can look at the way somebody acts, their level of health, their cognitive function and even their physical appearance. All of these can have a real impact on our true age, which can also be considered our mental age.

From the time that we are very young, we are aging and we can either age gracefully or we can struggle with it our entire life. Understanding our mental age can help us to understand ourselves on a much deeper level and this simple quiz can help to point you in the right direction.