QUIZ: QUIZ: You Are One Of These Four Personalities. Where Do You Fit?

Each of us has our own unique personality. It is what helps to set us apart from other people and it also makes us who we are in many ways. Although many people look at personality types as being quite complex, you can actually break them down into four basic categories. Those categories are intelligent, emotional, extrovert and introvert. You will fall into one of those categories, but which one fits you most closely?

The difference between extrovert and introvert is sometimes easy to determine. Extroverts tend to be social and outgoing while introverts keep to themselves. That doesn’t mean, however, that extroverts do not enjoy being by themselves at some time or another. In addition, you have to think about the logical and rational thought that goes on in your mind as well. Intelligent people tend to think with their minds, emotional people follow their hearts.

Being able to identify your personality type can offer many benefits. It helps you to have a better understanding of your overall being, including how your brain works and how your emotional life affects you on a very deep level.

Which personality type are you? Let’s find out.