Stroller Folds down Small Enough to Fit in a Backpack

One of the problems that has plagued mothers for decades is the size of the typical stroller. It may be easy to pack a diaper bag but packing the stroller is a whole other issue! That is, of course, until you learn about the GB Pockit, a new stroller that is so small, you can fit it inside of a backpack or under an airline seat!

This product was first seen at the ABC Kids Expo, held in Las Vegas. It is so small that it even broke a world record for being the smallest folding stroller in existence.

Once folded, it measures 12″x14″x7″ and weighs only 9 pounds. According to the company, it can easily be carried onto a plane and stored underneath the seat in front of you.

This stroller is slated to hit the market in 2016 and you can expect to pay $229 for it. Considering all that you get when you purchase it, it seems like a bargain!


GB is not only known for this new tiny stroller, they are known for their unique car seat and stroller designs worldwide.

“As long as parents have had to use strollers to transport their children, they have had an issue with things being too bulky, too heavy, hard to fold, really hard to make portable,” Jen Johnson, GB’s director of marketing communication, tells Mashable. “So, our inspiration was to allow parents to travel anywhere with their children and have this easy, lightweight product.”


You can fold the stroller wheels in 2 different ways. One of the methods is the “ultra-compact” version and it was used for breaking the Guinness world record. There is also a second method, known as the “super compact” version that requires the wheels to turn inward.

You can see them in operation in this video…

Like any new product, it is unsure if this is going to have a significant impact when it hits the market. It is meant to be used for children who are 6 months of age or up to 55 pounds and it does not appear to work with a car seat adapter or other travel system. What this means for adults is that it would require them to have a secondary stroller until the children are able to sit up on the room.

It is also significant that the folding of the stroller requires two people, which can be seen in the video. Although it may be completed with one person, it can be cumbersome to do it. It is really going to depend on the opinion of those who would find the stroller to be convenient but may balk at the $229 price tag.

What is fun is that the GB Pockit comes in six colors and the height can be adjusted to suit the child. The fabric seats can also be removed, allowing it to be washed conveniently. The stroller contains a storage basket and a sunshade as well.


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