Giant Statue from the 16th Century Has Hidden Rooms!

In Florence, Italy a giant 16th-century statue has a secret hidden on the inside. That secret involves a series of rooms that are on the inside of the statue that is a half man, half mountain. It was originally sculpted by Giambologna to celebrate the Appenine mountain range. The man that is depicted in the statue is Appennino, who is the mountain God and it is over 35 feet tall!

This statue was built as a mountain and on the inside, there is a fantastic secret. A number of interior rooms that have specific functions make this statue absolutely come to life. For example, his head was a fireplace and it was thought that when it was lit, smoke would come out of its nostrils. Its left-hand would also spray water from an underground steam!

The park that holds the statue will be opening until the end of October on Fridays, Saturdays and Sundays. You can get into the park anytime from 10 AM until 7 PM local time.









(Image Source: Andreas Angelidakis)