They Drew A Map To The Iceland Farm On The Envelope And The Postie Delivered It

When a tourist was visiting Iceland and didn’t know what address to use when sending a letter, they drew a map on the envelope. It was addressed to a farm in Hvammsveit, West Iceland and more specifically, “A horse farm with an Icelandic/Danish couple and three kids and a lot of sheep.”

The remarkable thing about this incident is the fact that the letter was delivered to the right address! A local newspaper even reported that “this just proves anything is possible in Iceland.

This story has made the rounds and every time it does, it goes viral. People just love the fact that a letter was able to be sent, even though the address was not known.


Here is more of the story from the Conde Nast Traveler:

The letter was mailed in Reykjavík by a tourist who had visited the Hólar farm earlier in the year, but couldn’t seem to find an exact address, according to West Iceland news service Skessuhornið. The farm is considered a small tourist attraction in the area as it boasts a “mini zoo” where the owners encourage visitors to pet their horses, goats, sheep, pigs, and other animals. It does have an address, but when you search for the one listed on its Facebook page, you’re placed smack dab in the middle of a lake.

Via: BoingBoing

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