This Guy Trolls Tourists Taking Pictures Near The Leaning Tower Of Pisa With Some Unique Pictures Of His Own

There are many of us who dream about visiting faraway places and seeing the interesting sites that we may have only seen in pictures. Some of those places may have been photographed thousands of times, and that certainly would include the leaning Tower of Pisa.

The building itself is an amazing site but what is perhaps more amazing are the number of photographs that are taken of people who either look as if they are holding the tower up or pushing it over. They can get rather creative when taking those photos.

Then there is this guy, who also visited the leaning Tower of Pisa but decided to do something that was unique. Rather than standing there making it look as if he was holding up the tower, he photobombed others who were doing the same. It is quite funny, because it appears as if they are holding him up or pushing him over! Perhaps the funniest thing is that they have no idea they are in these pictures.








Via: Bored Panda

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