TripAdvisor Will No Longer Be Selling Tickets To Places Where Animal Cruelty Is Rampant

Many people turn to the Internet when they want to book a holiday, and TripAdvisor is one of the largest websites out there. They had made a decision that is going to change things, however, especially as far as animals are concerned. Many people are heralding it as being a large step forward in the prevention of cruelty to animals.

Beginning in 2017, customers are no longer going to be able to book attractions to areas where animal cruelty is a problem. These would include swimming with dolphins, petting a tiger or riding an elephant. They may sound enjoyable, but the animals are often abused in those circumstances.


According to Stephen Kaufer, president and CEO of TripAdvisor, “TripAdvisor’s new booking policy and education effort is designed as a means to do our part in helping improve the health and safety standards of animals, especially in markets with limited regulatory protections.” They plan on having the changes completed in 2017 with some of the changes taking place immediately.

TripAdvisor is taking a stand against animal cruelty by making people reconsider where they will go on holiday.


Areas that offer riding an elephant, swimming with dolphins or petting a baby tiger are examples of what will no longer be offered.


TripAdvisor will not allow customers to book tickets to any place that involves captive animals


The new policy is designed to improve the safety and health standards for animals


TripAdvisor also plans to celebrate attractions and destinations that are pioneers in animal welfare


The booking policy change is slated to be completed by 2017


An educational campaign is also being launched to spread information about animal welfare


We appreciate the effort that TripAdvisor is making


Via: Bored Panda

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