12 Funny Pictures That Show The Humour Behind Trying To Lose Weight

There is something that many of us have in common and it’s a struggle that is all too real. In fact, we may struggle with this issue throughout our life and, although we may be successful at times, there are more times that we will fall short of the mark. I’m talking about weight loss, and regardless of whether you are trying to lose a little or a lot, it can be a real problem.

Of course, just because something is difficult does not mean we can’t laugh about it at least a little. Sure, it can be hard to be carrying around a few extra pounds but when you laugh, you may just find that you have the strength to go through with your program. In fact, they often say that laughter is the best medicine and laughing at these memes may just be the dosage you need to see success.


All of these are in good fun and they are in no way meant to insult anyone. After all, even we have dealt with our fair share of weight loss battles, but we know how to laugh at something when it is funny as well.

1. This is so me


2. You gotta think about it


3. Man overboard!


4. When diet soda just won’t do


5. Even my dog understands


6. Extreme, but it works


7. Every… Single… Week


8. Let’s just not talk about it


9. I want carbs


10. Guilty


11. I’ll take it


12. Truth


Via: Diply

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