15 Expressions We Use Every Day But The Younger Generation Has No Idea Why

If there is one thing that is rather unique in our world, it is the fact that we can communicate through a spoken language. From the time we are very young, we use our words to get the attention of others and to speak our mind in a way that they can understand.

What many of us don’t stop to think about is the fact that our language is changing. It may do so slowly, but if you were to transport back 100 years or more, you might just not fit in with the rest when it came to communicating. Go back several hundred or one thousand years and it might be close to impossible.

The fact that our language is changing is sometimes easy to see. Consider some of the expressions we use regularly. We all know what they mean but do we really know the story behind them? The younger generation may have a difficulty doing so.


Here are some examples that will amaze you:

H/T: Wimp

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