Someone Stole A Kit Kat From His Car But He Is Given A Lifetime Supply Of Kit Kats In Return

One of the more frustrating things that can happen to us is to have somebody break into our automobile and steal something. It seems like such a violation, not only because they broke into the car but because it is typically such a personal part of us. It happened to a college student but it looks as if the story has a rather sweet ending.

When this university student went to his dorm room for only 15 minutes, he left his car unlocked and a Kit Kat in plain view. As it turns out, somebody came by and stole the Kit Kat. The left him a note saying they did not take anything else and that they were sorry (and hungry).

After reporting the thievery to the Internet world on twitter, Kit Kat has picked up on it and has offered him a sweet reward.

They gave him 6500 bars of the crispy, chocolatey treat. If you do the maths, that is one biscuit a day for the next 17.8 years.


The original note read as follows:

“Saw Kit-Kat in your cut holder. I love Kit-Kats so I checked your door and it was unlocked.

“Did not take anything other than the Kit-Kat. I am sorry and hungry.”

He had reportedly only left his car open for 15 minutes when the robbery occurred.

After going viral, the post got a response from Kitcat itself! They wrote, “Who steals someones Kit Kat?! WHO DOES THAT?! Shoot us a DM and we’ll replace it for you.”

Not only did they replace that bar, they filled his car with Kit Kats. We wish the thief good luck with making off with all of these.

Via: The Lad Bible

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