Canadian Man Punches a Bear – In the Face!

What would you do if you happen to run into a black bear? Most of us don’t even like the thought of it happening, and we may even try to run away, although that is not always going to be a successful way of dealing with the problem. One man from Sudbury, Canada, however, had a rather unique solution to the problem: he stood up to the 300 pound black bear and he put up his dukes. In the end, he was able to walk away with only scratches!

His name is Rick Nelson, and the 61-year-old man was walking his dog in the Panache area when he came across the black bear. He described the scene: “I sat down on a log and the bear cub poked its head out of the shrub nearby. It was so close I could touch it. It let out a yelp, because I scared the heck out of it. I knew right away I was in trouble. It’s calling for mommy.”


He said that the mother was coming at full speed and you could hear the brush cracking. Soon, the bear was standing in front of him on her hind legs but Nelson used his boxing experience and took a swing at the bear and hit her in the teeth.


The bear swung back, striking him in the chest and face. It was then that he landed in the upper hand right in the snout. He waited for the worst but the bear simply turned around and walked away!

Via: CBC

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