7 Year Old Heard Man Say That Gay People End Up In Hell So He Fires Back

There are many subject that you could consider controversial and at times, it is just best to avoid them, especially if you don’t have anything proper to say. One of those subjects is in regards to homosexuals and regardless of which side you happen to fall on, there is a time and a place to discuss them. That time and place is not in the grocery store in front of a 7 year old child.

This story took place in Bath, England when a man had his 7 year old son at the supermarket. Not only did this young lad speak his mind, he stood up to a homophobe bravely. It seems that the man just had it coming and I’m sure that most of you will agree.


The father took his son shopping to buy a gift for a girl in his class. They bought a wand, tiara and jewelry so she could play dress up. While they were standing in line the child tried them on and pretended to be the queen. Obviously, this was too much for one man to handle.


Son: *in a “posh” voice* “I’m the Queen and I say this line should move faster!”

(I and a few others smile at his playfulness when a man in line at the next till yells at me.)

Man: “You can’t let your son do that. If he turns into a f****t it’ll be your fault.”

(Everyone stops and stares at him in horror whilst the cashiers call for a manager.)

Son: “What’s a f****t?”

Me: “It’s a nasty word that only nasty people use so you mustn’t say it.”

Man: “It means gay, kid.”

Son: “What’s gay?”

Man: “It means you’re bad and going to Hell for being evil.”

Me: “It’s when a man loves a man and a lady loves a lady.”

Son: “Oh, like Uncle James and Uncle Ian?”

Me: “Yep, just like Uncle James and Uncle Ian. They’re not bad, are they?”

(My brother is a pediatric oncologist and his partner is a pediatric nurse. We’ve tried to explain what cancer is and how my brother and his partner make children feel better when they’re poorly.)

Son: “My uncles make children better when they have poorly blood and poorly bones. If you make them go to Hell that means you want the children to be poorly.”

(The manager and a security guard turn up but my son looks this man in the eye and holds his stare.)

Son: “Do you want the children to be poorly? Do you want them to be sick and have to go to Heaven?”

(Everyone is now staring at my son. The man has gone red and is looking around.)

Manager: “Sir, I believe you’ve just been outwitted by a child. You should leave now and keep your disgusting views to yourself and out of my shop.”


Sometimes you just need a child to spell things out for you.

Via: Some E Cards

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