They Took This Baby For A Magical Harry Potter Photo Shoot

Although Harry Potter has been around for a while now, there are still many fans who just can’t seem to get enough of it. They love the books, they love the films and they love the memorabilia. In fact, many fans will try to incorporate Harry Potter into their lives in any way they possibly can, from wedding or birthday themes to bedroom decorations. As you are about to see, it can also make an adorable baby photo shoot as well.

Kayla Glover is a photographer who had the opportunity to take a series of fantastic Harry Potter themed pictures. She didn’t do it for a client but rather, she did it with her newborn daughter. That daughter, Lorelai Grace, was the perfect subject for these adorable images and she will have something to remember for the rest of her life.


Glover has been a Harry Potter fan since she was 10 years old and she looked forward to the day when she could introduce the series to her own children. She set up the series of photographs when her daughter was 3 months old, making sure to incorporate her original set of books.


She gathered the books, a cauldron, a magic wand, scarf and a round pair of glasses. Fortunately, her daughter is a natural and had no issue with posing for the pictures.



Glover would like her daughter to begin reading the books when she is 10, the same age as when she started. Until that time, we are sure there will be many more photo shoots to come.


“At a time where there’s so much negativity clouding our social media and in the news, it gives me hope to see other’s appreciate my beautiful little girl dressed as a character that represents strength, perseverance, and humility,” she said. “In the words of Albus Dumbledore, ‘Happiness can be found, even in the darkest of times, if one only remembers to turn on the light.’”


Via: Huffington Post

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