Sarcasm May Improve Your Intelligence!

When somebody is sarcastic, it is not always done at an appropriate time. In fact, there are many people who feel as if there is no good time for sarcasm! After all, most people tend to be fairly sensitive and if the sarcastic remarks are directed at them, it could end up raising their ego.

Recent research has uncovered something that may actually change the way that we looks at sarcasm! The academics at Instead – The Business School for the World have discovered that sarcasm may actually improve creativity and psychological well-being… And I’m saying that without being the least bit sarcastic!

This school is made up of business graduates who come from other colleges located throughout the world. They produced a paper called “The Highest Form of Intelligence: Sarcasm Increases Creativity for Both Expressors and Recipients.” According to the report, sarcasm can cause conflict, but it is also a catalyst for creativity!

Researchers conducted tests using a theoretical model. This model included the thinking behind the sarcastic comment. In addition, it looked at the interpretation of the comment and how it could lead to abstract thinking and enhanced creativity.

As an example of how the tests were conducted, an individual would dwell on a sarcastic comment that was directed at him. They would think about the conversation associated with the comment and think about their retort to the sarcastic remark. Because of the thinking process that occurs when someone is the target of a sarcastic comment, they think about what they will say to a larger extent if they should meet sarcasm in the future.

The individual that is dealing out the sarcasm may also benefit from doing so as well. After all, if you are going to go through the trouble to be sarcastic to someone, you certainly would use your creativity so that you don’t get it thrown right back in your face again!

So that is the long and short of it. Although sarcasm is still not going to be part of accepted conversation anytime soon, it may not be as bad as what all of us thought!

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