QUIZ: 7 Questions And You Will Know Your British Social Class!

It doesn’t matter where we live in the world, there are going to be variations in the way we talk. I’m not talking about different languages, I’m talking about dialects within a single language. These differences are seen from one town to another and sometimes, may even be different from one household to another. Of course, there are many things that play into the different dialects, including location, education and social classes.

If you are a Brit, you may know where you stand as far as your social class is concerned, but where should you be standing? You might be surprised to learn that your vocabulary will often place you in the proper social class, and this test can help you to make that determination. At times you might be pleasantly surprised where you fit in.

Languages change over time, and sometimes they change quickly. Just try listening to someone imitate the English language from 500 years ago, you can’t even understand it. You can use your language in amazing ways, and this simple test will help to point you in the right direction. So where will you land? You’re only 7 questions away from finding out.