QUIZ: Which Word Did You Spot First? Your Subconscious Will Reveal Your Hidden Personality.

Although I am constantly amazed by every part of the human body, it is the brain that really stands out as being the most amazing. Scientists would agree, and they say that there is no equal anywhere in the known universe. Inside of each of our minds are many secrets, some of which we know and others that have yet to be revealed. At times, we may be able to get a peek behind the curtain, so to speak, and reveal something about our personality in a most unusual way.

A part of the brain that is often overlooked, simply because it is not fully understood, is the subconscious mind. This is the part of our brain that influences the way that we act and feel at it does so automatically, without us being fully aware of it.

There are ways to tap into the subconscious mind and this quiz provides you with one way to do so. It examines the words that you first pick up with your visual sense and tells you how it relates to your subconscious mind and even your personality. Take a look at the image below and tell me the first word that you see. You will be surprised with what it really says.